Edition Nov2023! BEST MORTGAGE PLAN (Josh Tan Choice!)
FROM DBS website now, you'd see 2 or 3years

Choosing the right mortgage and managing your mortgage cost is VITALLY important!
The interest rate environment is ever changing and I'd use this space here to share with you my strategy if I were to take a NEW HOME LOAN NOW or do a REFINANCING NOW.
From my analysis as what I've share on the YouTube channel, it short term interest rates are likely to stay high. Perhaps it's only after 2024 that is uncertain? Fixed home loans can potentially save you cost if interest rates climb BUT only if the fixed rate is reasonable too.
There's a deal for a lower rate right now.
For both HDB and private completed project at $500k min, we can get you 3.05%pa FIXED 2y.

Contact us to hear our advice and MAKE THE BEST CHOICE TODAY!
Edition Nov2023! BEST TERM INSURANCE PLAN (Josh Tan Choice!)
Term insurance premium depends very much on entry age, duration of term plan and sum assured covered.
There are tiering discounts when it comes to term plans and planning it adequately will save you premium.
Below is the term plan that may be the best offer in the market right now.
25% perpetual discount is until promotion end. T&C Applies.
Hear our advice by clicking the button below to get in contact.

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