Manulife launched a new pregnancy insurance ReadyMummy.
This pregnancy insurance is the newest (as of July19) in the market and the third standalone pregnancy insurance coverage.
The other 2 are GE Flexi Maternity Cover and NTUC Income Maternity 360 plan and I'd leave a link at the bottom of the post for you.
I've looked through the plan for a private client of mine and this plan would be part of my recommends. I'd some findings with you in this post.

What is pregnancy insurance and when to apply for ReadyMummy Plan?
Pregnancy insurance is mainly to cover Pregnancy complications during your delivery and Child congenital conditions to your newborn.
It does not pay for your delivery cost.

You can apply ReadyMummy Plan when you're pregnant at week 13.
I'd suggest you to apply as early as possible just in case of any health changes down the road.
Last cut off is 36 weeks of pregnancy. It is the same premium at week 13 or week 36.
Click link to view READYMUMMY brochure here
Coverage for your newborn and coverage for you!
Firstly, coverage for you newborn
Child Hospital Care Benefit
We will pay 1% of the sum insured for each day the insured child stays in the hospital up to a maximum of 30 days (i.e. 30% of the sum insured) during the policy term.
Below is a snapshot of the listed conditions.
In particular, the premature birth requiring care in a neonatal ICU/HDU is especially important in my opinion. I've personally known a few friends with premature born children.
Outpatient Phototherapy Treatment Benefit
ReadyMummy Plan will pay you 1% of the sum insured for each day of rental of a phototherapy machine up to a maximum of 10 days (i.e. 10% of the sum insured) severe neonatal jaundice.
This is a coverage also in NTUC Maternity 360 but not the GE Flexi Maternity Cover or the AIA Mum2Baby Protect
Child congenital illness benefit
ReadyMummy Plan gives your newborn 24 congenital illness coverage and is the most comprehensive plan currently.
Below is a summary of the conditions.
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is a new condition covered and it is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction and the most common surgical cause of vomiting.
I was asking my wife who worked in KKH before and she shared with me stories of infants having projectile vomit because of the condition. I'm still finding it hard to imagine....
Secondly, coverage for you
ReadyMummy Plan gives you 14 pregnancy complications coverage and is the most comprehensive plan currently.
The complications coverage is listed in the table below and there are 4 new conditions covered including Ectopic Pregnancy
There is also a comprehensive list hospital care coverage for you.
In general, these can happen due infection, trauma or stress.
Lastly there is psychotherapy treatment coverage.
ReadyMummy plan will compensate 10% of the sum assured if Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is diagnosed.
For a pregnancy insurance quote email to or
click on the button below to WhatsApp 9006 0446 directly
GUARANTEED Option to buy a wholelife plan for your newborn!
Actually, children can be born with congenital conditions that were not picked up with ultrasound scans. With a congenital condition, insurers may not accept insurance applications.
Because there is this risk, having a guaranteed option to buy life insurance for your child becomes valuable to you.
Manulife allows you to buy LifeReady Plus (ReadyMummy), which is a wholelife plan, once you are covered with ReadyMummy Plan.
You have the option to attach Early Critical Care Rider (II) and/or Critical Care Rider (II) and cover up to $200,000 in sum assured
The LifeReady Plus (ReadyMummy) must be bought within 90days of your child's birth.
This option is guaranteed unlike the Simplified application option by the NTUC Maternity 360 plan. Click to read Post on NTUC Maternity 360 vs GE Flexi Maternity Cover
Common questions
If you have twins, can you buy this policy?
Yes. If a claim is made on 1 insured child only, the benefits will continue to be available for the other insured child.
Can this pregnancy plan cover for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracervical Insemination (ICI) and In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF) pregnancies?
Yes, with a loading/extra premium to the plan
For a pregnancy insurance quote email to or
click on the button below to WhatsApp 9006 0446 directly
Again congrats on your pregnancy and apply for your pregnancy insurance early!
Last updated on June 8th, 2020 at 08:16 pm