NEW AIA Mum2baby Protect Review – Updated 2021!
Sharing with you the NEW AIA Mum2baby protect plan.
This is a top pregnancy insurance plan and this post is featured in many mummy groups.
AIA Mum2Baby protect is bundled in two parts. First part is the pre-natal coverage AIA Baby Protect Plus (ii) and the second is a wholelife coverage (AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (ii). We'd cover both these two in detail.
FIVE key areas of pre-natal coverage AIA Baby Protect Plus (ii)
You are covered for 14 pregnancy conditions which is joint highest in market now.

This hospital care benefit is higher than most other insurers.
Lactational mastitis (in layman terms severe blocked ducts) coverage is also payable here.

If it is required for you to be in hospital for 31 continuous days or 5 continuous days in ICU, 100% of the Insured Amount under this supplementary benefit after deducting any amount paid under Hospital Care Benefit.
This is a unique coverage that you will be entitled with the plan.
Your baby is covered for 25 congenital illnesses which is joint highest in market now.
Some conditions like Cerebral Palsy becomes detectable only when a child grows into toddler stage.

You can claim up to 2% of sum assured (which is higher than most insurers) for each day (up to 30days) for these conditions.
In particular, phototherapy for severe jaundice and premature birth coverage are extremely important.
I'd a friend whose kid was born premature at week 34. Incubation of newborn was for weeks.
If you chose the $10k sum assured, it would be $200/day and if its 3 weeks, that will be a compensation of $4,200.
This coverage is for 3years.

Premium rates for AIA Baby Protect Plus (ii)

Above is the premium which is a single premium (a.k.a one time).
Do note that AIA Baby Protect Plus (ii) is a rider to the AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (Iii) which is a whole life plan that will be explained in the next section.
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SIX benefits with the AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (iii)
Firstly, there would be a guaranteed surrender value through the wholelife coverage AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (iii).
Secondly, you can choose to complete payment early. There is a 15y, 20y or 25y option.
You need not pay premiums for life and you can give the plan to your child FULLY PAID.

Thirdly, the wholelife coverage AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (ii) also has an Early Critical illness rider that you can attach as insurance coverage.
Fourth point, you have an "Option to Purchase Additional Insurance (OPAI)" Benefit for possible future use. There are a few qualifying events which include 18th birthday of your child and marriage of your child.
Fifth point, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder are some of the child special conditions covered.

Six point, you can transfer coverage to your child straight after birth with guaranteed coverage and no underwriting of health.
This is very important as I've seen children born with conditions like heart murmur that complicate any insurance coverage at birth.
Your transfer of plan request must be made to AIA within 60days of baby's birth.
How to choose on AIA Mum2Baby Protect plan to bundle these 2 plans together?
There are a few choses for the AIA Mum2Baby Protect plan.
1) How much coverage for AIA baby protect plus.
There are $5k, $10k and $25k options.
2) How long to make premiums for the AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (iii)
The AIA baby protect plus (ii) is one time premium while the AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (ii) can be 15y, 20y or 25y premium term.
If your budget allows, consider the 15year plan because it will save you slightly on total cost. Otherwise the 20y plan is fine also.
3) How much insurance booster you want for AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (iii)
It can be 2x, 3x or 5x. A wholelife plan is best for its protection value to you.
My suggestion is the 5x coverage. In this option, the surrender value is less because protection value is high!
The plan has a booster that can be till age65 or age75.
I’d also share planning strategies with you over a meeting
Choose between $5k or $10k or $25k sum assured for your plan.
*Bag is limited in edition - Get Yours Today!*
Many have completed their pregnancy insurance search with a quick online meeting. Get a peace of mind and save time in comparison.
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Questions: Do I need to submit test results for application?
Most common from my interactions with private clients for applications.
Am I required to submit my first trimester test like OSCAR, PANORAMA, HARMONY PRENATAL DNA TEST
Answer: Not required as long as results are normal.
Just requires declaration of it such as when it was done as well as who is gynae.
More FAQ can be found below.

Question Does it cover for IVF/IUI/ICI/ICS pregnancies?
YES. In addition, there is no extra premium needed which is called a "premium loading".
I've extensively compared plans before and this can save you quite a bit vs plans from AXA, AVIVA and NTUC.
Hope I’ve addressed the plan well for you.
Do click on the WhatsApp button towards end of this article to get advice.
AIA mum2baby protect is a very comprehensive coverage for pre-natal all the way till baby is born.
I like that you can choose your preferred life and early critical illness coverage amount to pass eventually to your child.
Applications start from week 13 till week 36. If you've questions, click on the WhatsApp button below.
Many have completed their pregnancy insurance search with a quick online meeting. Get a peace of mind and save time in comparison.
Drop an email to or click on the WhatsApp button.

Last updated on September 19th, 2021 at 07:08 am