3 major problems with an Investment Linked Plan (ILP)!
An investment linked plan (ILP) or investment linked policy is a versatile plan for getting investment returns and getting protection.
Many maternity plans in the market are tied with an investment linked plan (ILP).
If you are unsure about whether to buy one or if you should cancel your existing plan then this post is for you.
How does an Investment linked plan (ILP) work?
ILP is an insurance policy that combines life insurance coverage with investments into investment-linked funds.
If you are young, only a small part goes towards the cost of buying the insurance coverage and the remaining will be invested. But when you get older? ... Read on.
Some KEY features of the plan
1) You can control the death coverage, TPD and CI coverage very easily with the plan.
Increasing coverage will require underwriting but decreasing insurance coverage is typically just a form away.
2) It is a method to structure a disciplined way to get invested. But...
Problem 1: Very little is invested in the first 3 years
The diagram above is from moneysense.com which is a good description. Different insurers have different allocation structures but it is roughly similar.
As shown above, the allocation rate for the first 3 years is very little. If you bought this plan with a $2,000 premium each year, by year 3 you would have contributed $6,000 already. However, only $1,700 has been invested due to the allocation rate.
There are also monthly policy fees that are charged on the plan. Usually $5-$10/month.
Problem 2: No one managing the investment returns
While an ILP typically has free switching of funds facility, it is seldom that portfolio funds are actually switched. At least that is what I hear on the ground.
Most advisers do not look at the investment portion on a regular basis because there isn't any incentive to do so.
This is unlike a pure investment portfolio where an adviser is paid on an ongoing fee basis.
The range of investment options is poor also with an ILP. Investment linked funds also have high ongoing cost. Hence, there are much better methods than to use an ILP for education planning.
Problem 3: The insurance cost gets very expensive when you get old
ILPs have a mortality charge table to show the cost of insurance. In a nut shell, you will see the insurance cost rising every year.
This cost of insurance will become very significant at your age50. At age 60, it becomes unbearably expensive.
It means that if you own ILP then, the plan starts to lose value every year due to insurance cost. That means it cannot provide you permanent long term coverage.
In this aspect, a term plan or a wholelife plan with multiplier effect is a much better solution for buying coverage.

What you should do with an Investment linked plan?
There are some who suggest to cancel the plan immediately.
If you are healthy, then it is a option and you could cancel with a trip down to the customer service centre or contact your agent.
Then find a new term level term plan.
If you have health issue then it may not be the best idea...
Because if you are no longer healthy, you will find it difficult to replace that coverage.
An alternative will be to do a premium holiday.
Simply discontinue the monthly giro.
There would of course still be small policy fees here and there from the plan but at least you still keep the coverage for the next few years (without needing to pay anything).
What to do if your plan hasn't broken even yet on value
When you cash out from your plan, you could still invest it somewhere else and get returns.
Keeping the plan while not doing anything costs you $5-$10/month on policy fees.
Are you certain that waiting for your funds to grow within the ILP and not having anyone to manage the investments will eventually work?
Conclusions on the investment linked plan (ILP)
Many are still buying the investment linked plan (ILP) and are unaware of alternatives.
If you are buying a maternity plan today, I'd suggest buying one that is purely maternity coverage without the ILP or one which bundles with a whole life plan.
You may check our post on Manulife ReadyMummy plan here
Want to read more on term insurance planning for your family?
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Last updated on August 6th, 2019 at 09:42 am