Pregnancy Complications in Integrated Shield Plan 1-minute Overview



Mothers-to-be, do you know that you are covered for some Pregnancy Complications in your Integrated Shield Plan (IP) which you have paid diligently over the years?

Readers who are father-to-be, this coverage may help you what risks are covered and how to reduce risk of significant cash outlay in the event your wife has pregnancy complications during labour.

From my grapevine sources, the pregnancy complications coverage in the integrated shield plan is far and a few.

But what exactly is covered? I can’t seem to find any comparisons on the internet, so I took it upon myself to do the heavy lifting!


But before that, a few important things to note

  1. Medishield Life does not cover for pregnancy complications. If you did not upgrade with an IP, you should be concerned.
  2. There is a waiting period of 10 months for your integrated plan before you can claim for pregnancy complications. That means if you upgrade while you are already pregnant, you WILL NOT be able to claim.


Top in the race for the “Number of pregnancy complications covered” :

Great Eastern Supreme Health P Plus has the highest number of 13 in their IP plan.

NTUC Enhanced Incomeshield Preferred is the first runner up with 11 in their IP plan.

Pregnancy Complications in Integrated Shield PlanPregnancy Complications in Integrated Shield Plan

What we realise:

If you are on the AVIVA, AIA, PRU or AXA IP plan, you should really consider taking up maternity coverage.

The coverage list is thin. I’ve seen before a case of “abrupt placentae” and her baby was born pre-term with that complication.

Even if you are on NTUC and GE, a maternity insurance coverage extends your coverage and provides you more benefits.




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You may read our wildly popular comparison blog on standalone maternity insurance



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the views of any other organisation.

Last updated on October 15th, 2019 at 12:48 am

The Financial Advocate: I am always fascinated in how parents approach financial issues in their daily lives. There is an overwhelming amount of information available and through this blog, I hope I can shed some light on financial matters concerning parents!
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